Monday, April 25, 2011

What a disappointing weekend! Unfortunately I had a terrible sore throat starting friday night and lasting up until this (Monday) morning. I guess I can either look at the glass as half full or half empty though - this is the first time this semester I have suffered from an illness or head cold that has totally wiped me out. Really this next week all I need to do is make sure I have everything memorized. Mandoline and Down in the Forest are good to go; however, I am slightly worried for Voi che Sapete since I have only sang that song with the music in front of me even though I have been working on it the longest. I have had Nachtigall Ach in my head for about the past week so now I just need to make sure I can put the words with the melody that has been floating around with me.

Study week, here we come!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Whoo Hoo!! I believe that I have memorized Mandoline thanks to Dr. H's advice which was to put pictures and actions to the words so I at least have an idea about what I'm singing about even if I don't know what each word means exactly in English. I tried doing that - thinking of every French word as the English word but it just made me frustrated because then I just wanted to sing the English words. Putting actions with specific words really helped because then I have a sequence of movements to think about and not just words that come right after each other. For example: one phrase talks about how the serenaders are serenading people outside, where there is a breeze under the light of the moon. So my sequence of actions is: reference the piano (as the serenader), then move my arms like they are flowing in the breeze, then reference the moon up above my head. This makes it easier for me to memorize, while also making me more comfortable onstage and also giving the audience something to watch, not just hear.

I think I am ready for tonight, though some of my vowel sounds could probably use a little cleaning up. But it will be fine. Can't wait to run through it in my lesson today before our big studio recital tonight at seven in Ley Theater!! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This week I practiced Mandoline intensely and even worked on memorizing some of it. :) I realized that I don't have to spend countless hours in the practice room at a time, but that if I refresh my songs daily it is a lot easier to remember what you worked on the day before and just keep things going even if you don't spend a ton of time all at once. Memorizing the first two or so pages of Mandoline really helps take a lot pressure off me for the French recital that I am kind of stressed about.

Monday, April 4, 2011

This morning in my rehearsal with Mr. Phil, I realized that our French studio concert is next week!!! Soo that means that I have some memorizing to do!!! Not to mention not even all of my vowels are solid so I have a lot of work to do on Mandoline in a week and a half. I also noticed during rehearsal that there are times when I do a really good job of keeping my mouth wide open and changing the vowel with my tongue and nasal cavity and there are times when my mouth is really flat (which is bad).

So I will continue focusing on keeping a wide open mouth and nasal vowels. And memorizing!
Last week I worked mostly on Mandoline and Voi Che Sapete. Last week was not a good practice week because I was trying to catch up with everything else. Dr. Hepworth did help me identify one run that I was singing wrong so now I need to buckle down and learn the slight differences between the first run and the second run. I should also start hammering An die Nachtigall since I don't know that one very well.

So much to do and so little time!
Luckily I feel physically fine other than a little flem now and then but I am very fortunate not to have suffered from any colds or the like this winter. Knock on wood.