Monday, March 7, 2011

Well here comes spring break. over spring break i will be working on finishing up voi che sapete, keep going on the French and beginning on the German piece. I am not too worried about the German other than all the "flem" sounding vowels and consonants because it is not too long but we will see. This past week I have been super busy with midterms, intercollegiate band and such so I haven't had much time to practice, let alone the drive to work on new things but this week will definately be different.


  1. How did spring break treat you? Were you able to get any practicing done, or are you totally wiped out?!? I am really looking forward to the musical, and I am sure you are thankful that it will be finished! Then we can really focus on voice lessons. Stay positive (which you always are), get plenty of sleep, and drink plenty of water!

  2. Thanks for your understanding and concern
    Dr. Hepworth! I was pretty wiped over break during which i also caught a cold, but the past week here I have spent some quality time on the French piece : Mandoline. I haven't really hit the German hard yet, and like you said: everything will be much different- especially practice - wise, in a week and a half.
