I also sang for last Tuesday's recital. This time I sang "Take o take those lips away" by Amy Beach. I was relatively satisfied with my performance. I tried to remember to keep my mouth big in order to create a more resonant space and also tried to remember to "smile", or keep a thinner top lip, as I was singing. I was able to think about what I was doing instead of freaking out about how nervous I was to get up in front of people. That was very relaxing: not having to worry much about the words. This week I was very aware of what my body was doing: where my arms were going, how I stood, where I was looking (trying to look down at the audience), etc.
Overall, I thought I was very consistent with my mouth space, which is something we have been working on in lessons. Thank you Dr. Hepworth for helping me become consistent!!
Your performance last Tuesday was spectacular! I was so proud of your performance. I think that your focus was spot on---keeping your technique at the forefront of your mind rather than letting your nerves take over! YOU have really made great improvements this semester in terms of consistency. I am so excited for you!