Sunday, October 2, 2011

Well, I am rather anxious for NATS. Excited would definately be the wrong word. I know this will be a great experience but I also know that I don't stand a chance making it past the first round. Like I said I'm sure it will be great experience. I'm sure I'm just not appreciating this opportunity or making the most of it. Dr. Hepworth, I'd really like to talk to you sometime about lessons, or i guess more specifically, motivation. I do not feel motivated to practice and this really makes me sad; especially in my lesson when I feel like I'm letting you down. Anywho, I spent some time this weekend working on NATS music, which you might or might not hear tomorrow (I can't remember if I'm supposed to sing for studio or not). During my practice sessions this weekend, I literally hurt my own ears while I was practicing. I think this had something to do with frequency because once I hit a certain level of "buzz", my ears just wanted to close up and hide themselves. It was weird. Anyhow, I'm sure you've read enough of my sob story for now. I'm sorry I'm being so negative.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jill! I am so sorry I am reading this too LATE! I completely understand the lack of motivation. I appreciate your honesty. I can tell you that sometimes I view voice practice and rehearsal like attending a class, paying my bills, or getting up in the morning---it has to be done, regardless if I have motivation for doing it. I really learned this in graduate school---I had an average of 22-30 songs per semester that required memorization and it was a struggle to get into a practice room, especially when it was midnight and all I wanted to do was go to bed! Think of this---the more you practice (or should I say, force yourself to practice), the more motivation will reveal itself. The more successful you feel, the more desire you will have to practice. Trust me....I REALLY understand!

    Dr. H
